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Get the Answers
to All Your Questions

Below you’ll find some questions frequently asked by parents and students. Please call Ms Haide on 0404869978 or email us on if you don't see the answers to questions.

  • Will my child get bored after advancing in Kumon?
    Kumon parents and students report the opposite: students with a firm grasp of the fundamentals in math and reading become much more engaged and self-confident in school. Doing homework each night also becomes less daunting and time-consuming – a plus for both students and parents. And with Kumon, you have more information on learning advancement, so you can make sure any curriculum includes classes that are appropriately challenging.
  • My child is already getting good grades, so why would i consider Kumon?
    Kumon’s individualized instruction is meant to help your child advance and succeed. In fact, many Kumon Students are studying above grade level. Advanced students are introduced to new concepts earlier than at school and can experience the advantage of learning new material ahead of their peers.
  • How Does Kumon Work?
    Kumon goes beyond tutoring. Instead, children actively develop critical thinking skills while progressing independently through a carefully crafted, Kumon curriculum. The Kumon Math and Reading programs cover everything from counting to calculus, and phonemics to Shakespeare. The worksheets enable children to learn new concepts on their own. Kumon programs allow students to progress one small step at a time through daily practice. Kumon helps children: Foster a love of learning Progress at their own pace Develop good study habits and self-learning ability
  • How can Kumon help me as a parent?
    Kumon gives you the tools to truly monitor your child's progress. The daily worksheets teach concepts in a logical way, so you’ll instantly know if your child is struggling with lessons – or advancing ahead of grade level. You're armed with insights and information that will help you decide what’s best as school continues and progress improves.
  • Will Kumon duplicate my child's school curriculum?
    Kumon is built to enhance what students learn in school, not replace it. Kumon’s unique curriculum begins at the preschool level and progresses through high school-level material. It is designed so that any student can move as quickly as possible through the materials, while building independence and self-learning skills.
  • How is Kumon different to a tutor?
    Kumon instills in students the skills and mindset necessary to learn new materials without being taught. With help from a certified instructor, children are able to move at their own pace each day through an individualized instruction. When a student doesn’t grasp a concept and needs guidance, the necessary steps are taken to ensure the child can work on it until it’s mastered.
  • Why isn't my child progressing faster?
    Every child learns at his or her own pace. The Kumon approach requires satisfactory understanding and testing competency before students can move forward. As material continues to progress, deficiencies in learning can accrue and have a greater negative impact. By succeeding early – and without constant intervention – Kumon Students gain the motivation to set their own goals, and tackle advanced levels comfortably.
  • If my child is a bit behind, how long will it take to catch up to grade level?
    Kumon’s individualized instruction differs from one-on-one tutoring services that provide “quick fix” short term boosts in performance. If your child is a bit behind fellow classmates, our short-term goal is to reach grade-level competency within twelve months. While some students take a little longer, many accomplish it sooner. Kumon’s long-term goal is for students to continue with the Kumon Program throughout the school years, for benefits beyond high school and into college.
  • I feel my child is falling behind at school. Can Kumon help?
    Yes. If you’re concerned your child isn’t keeping up in class, Kumon encourages you to consider enrollment in the Kumon Program as soon as possible. Kumon will start by having your child complete a placement test at no cost to you. The results of this test will help guide the Kumon Instructor to determine the best starting point. From there, the step-by-step method will help your child build a solid grasp of math and reading, and grow more confident and motivated while mastering each concept and lesson.
  • What are the age limits to Kumon enrolment
    Your children can enroll and benefit from Kumon from age three through high school.
  • What's the right age for Kumon?
    There is no “right” age – Kumon can help your child advance in school – regardless of age and learning abilities.
  • Why would I keep my child in Kumon year after year?
    The real value of Kumon instruction – and what sets us apart from other learning programs and tutors – is the impact Kumon’s progressive method will make on your child’s success throughout the school years, and beyond. With individualized instruction, Kumon Students develop confidence and independence – key traits for success at any age.
  • How much does Kumon cost?
    Enrolment Fee There is an initial enrolment fee of $100 in Australia. This fee still applies for students transferring from one country to another. Monthly Tuition Fee Kumon fees are paid on a monthly basis. In Australia, the tuition fee is $160 per month per subject. The Diagnostic Test is conducted free of charge. All prices are inclusive of GST. To learn more about our terms and conditions, please see our Privacy and Legal Notes page.
  • What are some tips for helping my child do Kumon at home?
    The most important step you can take is to help your child establish a routine by scheduling daily "Kumon time.” To encourage your child, you'll want to celebrate and praise victories and progress, large or small. Younger children may need some extra guidance from you in completing worksheets. It’s also very important to maintain regular communication with your instructor about homework, motivation, curriculum, or any other major activity in your child’s life. The instructor is there for you as well as your child, and wants what you want: to help your child succeed.
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